Sunday 19 March 2017

How I Handle Selling Mary Kay and Going to University at the Same Time!

Hey everyone,

I have been selling Mary Kay since the beginning of my Grade 12 year of high school which was believe-it-or-not the busiest year of my life. I had a boyfriend, I played on the basketball team, I tutored after school, I went to Girl Guides, I was a member of Student Leadership, I had lots of friends and I had to study and keep on top of all things school. Mary Kay was never my top priority but I still managed to attend meetings and events and keep track of my current and new customers delivering them nice customer service. Here's how I did it!

1. Keep an Agenda!!
This is so important and of course I still do this now! I use my agenda to keep track of school work and also keep track of Mary Kay. I colour coded my planner not just for school but my whole life! This way when I look at my calendar, I can see all my events and prioritize and manage my time in a way to get the most important stuff done first and still manage to fit it all in.

2. Use a simple system.
Keeping track of Mary Kay is SUPER SIMPLE! (Let me know if you want a blog post about this) I keep all my sales slips and I have a filing system for my customers. This way, if someone asks me to order them the same foundation that they had 6 months ago, all I need to do is glance at their file. Also, I have found that placing my orders on a schedule can help a lot too.

3. Social Media
Promoting my business is not one of my strong points BUT I do get most of my exposure online through my Facebook Page. It was super simple to set up and I just post all my Mary Kay related photos and little ads and such on there. I find it easiest to go on Pinterest and use some cute photos on there. I may not get a lot of business directly from the page but it keeps people aware that I am still a consultant and they get to see that I know my stuff when it comes to the products!

4. Multi-tasking
This is a big one. If it was not for this tip, I would barely have any customers. Multi-tasking is the reason why I am still here. I take Mary Kay wherever I go and talk about it at other events too. For example:
I wear makeup everyday so I wear Mary Kay to promote and sell it!
I attend Girl Guide meetings once a week so why not bring the Mary Kay tote bag with me to inform the mothers of the Brownies that I sell Mary Kay.
I moved to a different place for university and while I am studying why not take a break by looking at a Mary Kay catalogue and share with my friends.
I like to write about stuff so why not start a blog about my Mary kay!
It is so easy to pass the word around and share this wonderful company with others and Mary Kay Ash made it so easy to do just that.

I hope you found these little tips helpful. If you did please share my blog with your friends and let me know what other things you would like to hear about.


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