Friday 16 June 2017

"Do you actually make money with Mary Kay?"

Today's blogpost is going to be answering one of the questions that I get asked: "Do you actually make money doing Mary Kay?"The answer is a huge YES!

Money is not my forte. I suck at saving money and I spend way too much money tbh BUT Mary Kay has been a little bit of side money for me. (BTW I have been working on saving money and maybe I will do a post about that but for now, continuing on with Mary Kay funds)

With MK, you make 50% of your sales. SO if you sell $20 you get $10. You charge people tax so that you can receive the 50% because MK charges you full tax! Consultants discounts that they create are all up to themselves except for the very scarce time when there is a deal online for us to take advantage and therefore we promote it to our customers.

The truth about sales with MK are that consultants want you to become their customer so they give you a deal to start liking the products and the next time, you'll buy it at full price which is totally smart and great in my opinion.

The part where people don't understand about the whole money making thing (especially with me) is you use your own products, you open demo products, you pay for events and travel and accessories. Where the hell do you make money there??

Well, before I started selling MK, I would spend an entire paycheque on makeup and other beauty items. All my summer job or part-time job money!! When I started selling MK that stopped because I would just use Mary Kay which was paying for itself from my sales. My pay cheque and my chequing account was HAPPY!

So in short, some months I just break even because I went a little overboard on the lipsticks or I ran out of a lot and some months I make some money!

Like I mentioned in a previous post, I am not a full-time consultant so I do not have this as a disposable income but I do find it makes a difference in my finances :)

Thanks for reading,